January was one of the hardest months this year, and not a great way to start the year, but it had its positives. It started off with New Year’s. I worked a five hour shift at skate south, so I got off around 1:00. Then i headed over to Sean’s and we all got shitfaced and watched Hereditary.I went to go see Into The Spiderverse with Faith again, and it was just as good the second time.
I listened to so much PUP this month, yet I am still not tired of them. I also listened to BLink 182 a lot and Amity, in addition to The Story So Far. Also Heart to Gold. I am back into running and have a 45 minute long run under my belt already.Alec and I have been practicing our band stuff a lot.
On the weekend I watched Tom Delonge’s “Pursuit of Tone” and got inspired and just played for like four hours.I was at work and Ethan offered me Kratom for the first time, so that was nice. I then went to a family dinner with Blake, so it was weird to be wired with his family. I was coming down when we were driving through caraway mountain to his house, and for some reason, there was a ton of smoke in the middle of the road, so I slowed it down to an almost complete stop. We don’t know why the smoke was there, but it wasn’t fog.
I played a lot of Fortnite and listened to Cody Ko and Joe Rogan. Dad fucked me over by signing a W2 saying that he payed me $850 when he didn’t. ALec and I took a day to just skateboard around, which was really nice. It was calming after a really shitty weekend.