January 2018 Roundup

January 2018 was a great month to start off the new year. Since I didn’t count New Year’s as last months, I am going to talk about it in this month's roundup. I had a great time, and my friends went bowling and then they came back to my place and we hung out. This month I listened to more Lil Peep and also Will’s playlist “For Kellen, With Love”. We were snowed out for a week, so I got to enjoy it. Everyday I played Battlefront 2 and played PubG with my friends. My Lil Peep hoodie came in, and I was very happy about that, it was white so I wear it very rarely to protect from stains. My brother had a “Blade Runner 2049” watch party, so some guys came over and we watched it again, and I enjoyed it for a second time. One weekend I watched "Bright" with my brother, and we both liked it, it was a nice buddy cop/fantasy movie with Will Smith (and an appearance by Joe Rogan). I also watched "Paddington" by myself in my room that same night, and slept near the tv. I also hung out with Stanton and we watched the entire season of “Atlanta” in one night, and in the same night, watched the entire series of “End of the Fu***ng World”. I also made more progress in my handstands. My friends came over again and we went sledding in the dark and ran into a lot of trees. We also watched Donald Glover’s comedy special “Weirdo” on Netflix. I also started watching “Fargo” and it’s been good so far. I have also been working on my lyrics and writing, and I hope to make a project by the end of the year.