August 2018 Roundup

This month was another very great month, and although it was the end of the summer, it also had a lot of great moments in it. I finished Riverdale, and it was very entertaining, despite being a typical CW highschool drama. I also found out a new favorite movie, by the name of “Sleepaway Camp”. I watched it by myself at the mountains, and then watched it two more times with friends. It nails that summer camp vibe, and it a great slasher with a killer twist to boot.

I listened to a lot of punk this month. I listened to Waterparks extensively, all the time this month. I also woke up early for the new Amity Affliction album, which was amazing, they are by far one of my favorite bands. Another great band that I found was Every Time I Die and Real Friends. They all have a bunch of really great music worth checking out. This month my family went to the mountains in Boone, and it is one of my favorite trips in the summer. We went whitewater rafting and rock climbing, but by far the best part of the mountains is being in the cabin with everyone. I listened to pretty much only waterparks that weekend, and knew all their songs. We watched horror movies every night and played pool of Pit. I enjoyed the ride there and the ride back as well. Sean also came over to my house and we partied a little bit and watched Sleepaway Camp. When the new Amity Affliction album came out, I listened to it as soon as I got up and all throughout the day, and stayed up that night in a hotel, since the XC team had a meet in charlotte the next morning. When school came I did not have much time to do anything but work, but I did get some guitar and skateboarding in, which was nice. I also went to the lake with Sean,Stanton, and Davidson, and we had a good time that night and the day after. Overall, this month was a great way to end the summer.